Surveys show that more than 50% of professionals actually don’t like their jobs and wish they could change their careers (Gallup, 2013) - but without the proper guidance it often seems impossible.


Key Benefits

Understanding who you are and what you do best
A precise, in-depth understanding of your personality type and natural abilities, using two of the world’s most popular psychometric tools.

An overview of the types of work that match your unique profile
As you know, you could do more than just one type of work, but which types exactly? I’ll show you and it will give you a completely new perspective on your professional future.

Choosing your future career and knowing why
Identifying the specific kind of work you want to do next and the overall direction of your future career, based not only on your personality and natural abilities, but also on other important factors that are often neglected.

Your professional profile
A summary of what makes you a great match with your chosen career.
Very useful at job interviews and in general.

Your career change plan
The path to your new professional life; vision, goals, scenarios, timeline.

Formats & Pricing

· 6 video calls + questionnaires and exercises to complete between calls
· Availability: 2 months from first call
· Price: €1200

· Unlimited video calls + questionnaires and exercises to complete between calls
· Availability: 6 months from first call
· Price: €1800

Schedule your free consultation to learn how the Career Change Workshop can help you rediscover yourself and the work you were born to do.

“Career counseling is an exceedingly complex and fascinating process that involves both personal and work-related issues, knowledge and wisdom about the realities and possibilities of life, and a profound care for the welfare of humankind.”

Mitchell, Levin, Krumboltz, 1999